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Ideas for a better form of government than democracy


May 7, 2024
Democracy is undeniably shit. As Winston Churchill said - 'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried'.

From vote fixings, recounting ballots as per a recent thread here, and most people being stupid as fuck yet still getting a vote, and false promises that are never delivered upon by the governments, plus whatever else.

Im beginning to believe that AI could one day make for a much better governance if its current constraints of memory limits and AI hallucinations can ever be fixed, but from our current technology - 'All AI will eventually hallucinate when their memory limits are surpassed'.

So lets get some ideas going, what else could possibly work? Ideally people's freedoms and autonomy need to remain respected, not that they already actually are. The bullshit tirade of 'everything I don't like is hate speech' needs to end as well ofc, and no reversal to authoratative / controlling regimes that would remove people's individually and rights to self expression and identity.


May 9, 2024
Democracy is undeniably shit. As Winston Churchill said - 'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried'.

From vote fixings, recounting ballots as per a recent thread here, and most people being stupid as fuck yet still getting a vote, and false promises that are never delivered upon by the governments, plus whatever else.

Im beginning to believe that AI could one day make for a much better governance if its current constraints of memory limits and AI hallucinations can ever be fixed, but from our current technology - 'All AI will eventually hallucinate when their memory limits are surpassed'.

So lets get some ideas going, what else could possibly work? Ideally people's freedoms and autonomy need to remain respected, not that they already actually are. The bullshit tirade of 'everything I don't like is hate speech' needs to end as well ofc, and no reversal to authoratative / controlling regimes that would remove people's individually and rights to self expression and identity.
Was just researching definitions for, 'Democracy', and as usual there is a steaming pile of convoluted technical shit from "experts" saying this, that and the other thing—while saying sweet fuck all and nothing more than linguistic deceptions.

'Democracy': was literally, rule by the people.

The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratia, which was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) in the middle of the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens.

It apparently began as variations of *'Direct Democracy' by the privileged ~20% of People-(but definitely not by all the actual population)

As we eventually became more cognizant of the scam, just like in Courts of Law, "Democracy" has continuously undergone alterations to maintain the stealthy status quo.

Yet we have neither Direct nor Representative Democracies anymore, instead we have Demagogues masquerading as "Democracies" to prop up pop cult celebrity idols.

As it's a lot easier to lure people into enslavement traps when the people have no awareness of the traps.

Democracies have long been nothing other than mob rule disguised as whatever panem et circuses and other things which may have been most effective during any politicking season for securing ascension to primacy by the bedazzled Statist Cult majorities seemingly convincing consensus.

So we have Demagocratic conmen/conwomen performing acts as if genuine political stooges.
What could possibly go wrong.

Oh, but then there are the institutions of 'Government'.

'Govern' (From Latin: gubernare) meaning: to rule, guide, steer, direct, or control.

And 'ment' (From Latin: 'mentem', singular accusative of 'mēns', from Proto-Indo-European 'méntis'.) meaning: of the mind, rational thought.

Thus the tools/weapons of 'Govern+ment'=(To control, guide, steer, direct, rule the mind.) are in the hands of self serving Demagocratic puppet celebrities who are aggressively supported by gullible adherents of the Statism Cult.

I don't know but Deception is a State of Mind and the Mind of the State.


Mar 12, 2024
How about a representative republic?
Late-stage capitalism leads to oligarchy. If this plays out historically it would lead to Empire, which is what America has pretty much become. Empire ruled by Oligarchy.

You could even effectively argue it's nothing but a continuation of the British Empire.


Sep 22, 2023
Late-stage capitalism leads to oligarchy. If this plays out historically it would lead to Empire, which is what America has pretty much become. Empire ruled by Oligarchy.

You could even effectively argue it's nothing but a continuation of the British Empire.

The great hallmark of our constitutional Republic is that the intent was to preserve unalienable Rights. Unalienable Rights are, according to the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

So, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are Rights that cannot be taken away by those espousing a democracy because we are guaranteed a Republican Form of Government (Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution). Government cannot, legitimately, take what it did not give. The short answer to your question is that a government that lives by the standard that made America the greatest nation in the annals of history will be what works when we start rebuilding. THAT begins with this:



Feb 4, 2021
I thought people on welfare voting democrat was the problem. My parents were self professing "yellow dog democrats" so that ruined my conclusion. In later years a liberal co-worker wanted to debate me on some issue, I don't remember what, and I told her if she could tell me who the house and senate majority leaders were, we'd talk. We never talked again. I guess the bottom line is voter education.


Sep 22, 2023
I thought people on welfare voting democrat was the problem. My parents were self professing "yellow dog democrats" so that ruined my conclusion. In later years a liberal co-worker wanted to debate me on some issue, I don't remember what, and I told her if she could tell me who the house and senate majority leaders were, we'd talk. We never talked again. I guess the bottom line is voter education.
If you notice, when the real solution is brought to the table, you can count on someone to try and derail the real solution.

Generally speaking, when people ask the question it is rhetorical and what they really seek is bias confirmation. I've provided you a link if you want to know where to start.

Insofar as voter education, I'd like to relate and experience I had. I was at a gun show and outside the building was a truck with a podium in front and lots of signs and bumper stickers for a candidate for the House of Representatives. The candidate was gone, but one of his "advisors" was there. I was intrigued that a candidate would set up at a gun show. I told the "advisor" if he could tell me from where we derive our unalienable Rights, I would promise to donate on the spot and promise my vote. He said, "those Rights come from God." No sooner than I wrote the check and handed it to him, the candidate shows up.

I told the candidate about what just transpired and the candidate looked at me matter of factly and said, "all our rights (sic) come from the Constitution." I told him that he better be glad I relied on his advisor. He looked at me with a blank look. I looked at the advisor and said "you better explain it to him" and then went on my way.


May 7, 2024
I thought people on welfare voting democrat was the problem. My parents were self professing "yellow dog democrats" so that ruined my conclusion. In later years a liberal co-worker wanted to debate me on some issue, I don't remember what, and I told her if she could tell me who the house and senate majority leaders were, we'd talk. We never talked again. I guess the bottom line is voter education.
Regarding welfare, I can't speak for how it works in the US, but the UK is in shambles.

People are trapped on welfare with no offers given for training or any kind of career development or opportunity. The assumption that 'all people on welfare should do basic manual labour' .. when the reason most are on welfare in the first place is that their health makes it impossible for them to do basic labour.

'So get a desk job' ... great suggestion - the UK government offers no opportunities for IT training or advancement, and even most basic reception or admin jobs require a minimum of two years of IT training or experience as a minimum requirement - and no, self training / 'Lol I build computers at home' counts - been there, tried it multiple times - 'every other candidate was more qualified / had more experience than you' responses.

Additionally medication and healthcare wise - In the US any medication is allowed off label if it enables people to work ... great, ritalin alone would fix me right up and make me super productive - PROVIDING people on welfare can actually afford the healthcare cost. In the UK the NHS literally told me 'We're not giving you anything off label because that's illegal here - just stay at home on benefits instead'.

The NHS pushes 'Just stay on benefits if you can't work, here's your medical letter to write you off' ... society and government pushes 'we hate this, how dare you' yet with no alternative fixes or methods to help people on benefits to actually progress.


Mar 20, 2021
Democracy is undeniably shit. As Winston Churchill said - 'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried'.

From vote fixings, recounting ballots as per a recent thread here, and most people being stupid as fuck yet still getting a vote, and false promises that are never delivered upon by the governments, plus whatever else.

Im beginning to believe that AI could one day make for a much better governance if its current constraints of memory limits and AI hallucinations can ever be fixed, but from our current technology - 'All AI will eventually hallucinate when their memory limits are surpassed'.

So lets get some ideas going, what else could possibly work? Ideally people's freedoms and autonomy need to remain respected, not that they already actually are. The bullshit tirade of 'everything I don't like is hate speech' needs to end as well ofc, and no reversal to authoratative / controlling regimes that would remove people's individually and rights to self expression and identity.
Limited democracy with the electorate limited to men who have no debt and own their home.


May 7, 2024
The other thing I hate about democracy - both the US and UK are simply split into a 2 main paries system.

What do you do if you neither like Biden or Trump? You vote for some minor party that will never actually win an election?

What if you don't agree with any of the parties?

I've never voted in my life because the whole thing literally feels like scam democracy. The party that does win then rarely does anything that the said they were going to do in their manifestos.

In Australia you actually get fined if you don't vote. Fine then, I'd vote for Captain Binface or the Jedi Party or whatever such shit instead.


Sep 22, 2023
The other thing I hate about democracy - both the US and UK are simply split into a 2 main paries system.

What do you do if you neither like Biden or Trump? You vote for some minor party that will never actually win an election?

What if you don't agree with any of the parties?

I've never voted in my life because the whole thing literally feels like scam democracy. The party that does win then rarely does anything that the said they were going to do in their manifestos.

In Australia you actually get fined if you don't vote. Fine then, I'd vote for Captain Binface or the Jedi Party or whatever such shit instead.

In the U.S. it is much like childish gangs. If you don't support Trump you are either a never Trumper and / or a Biden supporter; if you don't like Biden you are a White supremacist and MAGA Republican. Either way dishonest hacks will attempt to malign your character.

There is a myth that third party and no party candidates can't be elected. Jesse Ventura became a governor on the Reform Party ticket while Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders held U.S. Senate seats as Independents. There have been many more minor party candidates that have won office.

Be that as it may, our system of governing worked better than any "democracy" ever invented until the left pushed America into being a democracy. After we did that, this country sunk like a rock in a pond. A Republican Form of Government (as guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States) has several features unique to the United States:''

1) Unalienable Rights are protected by limiting the power of the federal government in the Bill of Rights

2) Major decisions are not decided by a simple majority vote

3) We, the people, mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution referred to a specific people. Not just "anybody" could become citizens although every person was to be afforded Rights that were above the law making power. Among those, and not limited to are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


May 7, 2024
In the U.S. it is much like childish gangs. If you don't support Trump you are either a never Trumper and / or a Biden supporter; if you don't like Biden you are a White supremacist and MAGA Republican. Either way dishonest hacks will attempt to malign your character.

There is a myth that third party and no party candidates can't be elected. Jesse Ventura became a governor on the Reform Party ticket while Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders held U.S. Senate seats as Independents. There have been many more minor party candidates that have won office.

Be that as it may, our system of governing worked better than any "democracy" ever invented until the left pushed America into being a democracy. After we did that, this country sunk like a rock in a pond. A Republican Form of Government (as guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States) has several features unique to the United States:''

1) Unalienable Rights are protected by limiting the power of the federal government in the Bill of Rights

2) Major decisions are not decided by a simple majority vote

3) We, the people, mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution referred to a specific people. Not just "anybody" could become citizens although every person was to be afforded Rights that were above the law making power. Among those, and not limited to are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Republican method you explained, it definitely sounds much better. I tell you know other than my brief time during university, outside of that I have never once experienced any happiness in my life.


Sep 22, 2023
The Republican method you explained, it definitely sounds much better. I tell you know other than my brief time during university, outside of that I have never once experienced any happiness in my life.
Provided that you don't infringe on the unalienable Rights of another, you have an absolute Right to pursue happiness in the United States - and that Right has nothing to do with who you are, what you are, where you come from or anything else.


May 7, 2024
Provided that you don't infringe on the unalienable Rights of another, you have an absolute Right to pursue happiness in the United States - and that Right has nothing to do with who you are, what you are, where you come from or anything else.

Yea but I have no way to actually pursue happiness cos I'm too ugly. I'd need like full facial reconstruction and maybe even turning my skin white somehow.


Sep 22, 2023
Yea but I have no way to actually pursue happiness cos I'm too ugly. I'd need like full facial reconstruction and maybe even turning my skin white somehow.
If you have enough money, ugly isn't an issue. I'm so ugly that when I was kid, the old man took me to the zoo and they thanked him for bringing me back. A few years ago I had a Mercedes and women didn't give a rip what I looked like. The car was making up for any deficit in looks.


May 7, 2024
If you have enough money, ugly isn't an issue. I'm so ugly that when I was kid, the old man took me to the zoo and they thanked him for bringing me back. A few years ago I had a Mercedes and women didn't give a rip what I looked like. The car was making up for any deficit in looks.
And see my comment in some other thread I made on materialism.

Wealth is a shit cope for a dysfunctional relationship. Imagine existing purely as a cash whore to the other person.


May 11, 2024
Yea but I have no way to actually pursue happiness cos I'm too ugly. I'd need like full facial reconstruction and maybe even turning my skin white somehow.
I don't get how physical appearance could inhibit pursuing happiness.
If happiness means finding a life partner, but they end up being a shallow person who judges books by the cover alone. Then being with that person won't bring much happiness.


May 7, 2024
I don't get how physical appearance could inhibit pursuing happiness.
If happiness means finding a life partner, but they end up being a shallow person who judges books by the cover alone. Then being with that person won't bring much happiness.
Well everyone is shallow today then. Even the fat and ugly shits that still think they're a 10 that still won't date their equals.
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