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Trump = End war in Ukraine, Biden = WW3


Sep 22, 2023
Presuming that Biden would take us to WWIII, it only stands to reason that between now and the election we will officially be in a state of war. If we are in a war it favors the incumbent.

I wish the American people would hold Trump accountable and force him to humble himself. Between the likelihood of the U.S. being IN the war (officially in) and the fact that the Supreme Court is trying to get Sotomayor to retire, there is a Hell of a lot at stake this election cycle.


Dec 10, 2020
It feels like they are trying to get us to apoint that just losing the election doesn't get us out of war. I feel like they are trying to force Russia to strike NATO or US to make a situation Trump can't negotiate out of.


Sep 22, 2023
His attackers are the ones who need to be held to account. For nine years they been attacking him with baseless claims. It all started with the "he's Putin's puppet" bs that the hag and the dnc started.
I don't need to rely on Democrats or leftists to prove what Trump says about Trump.

Let me make this plain, simple and easy for you: I wouldn't support a left wing, liberal, socialist, progressive, communist even if they had a knife to my balls and forcing me to do oral sex on Nancy Peolsi if I didn't cast my vote for them. I don't vote for them; I don't support them; I don't even knowingly let Democrats park their car in my driveway. So, I know where you're going, but you are dead wrong.

Donald Trump is a lying, sorry son of a bitch that is going to fuck you in the ass and not even have the common courtesy to give you a reach around (as Lee Ermey would say). He is not God and he doesn't even make a decent demigod. He sold the right out when he got to Washington. Did you forget?

He likes taking the guns early and then due process
He doesn't like high capacity mags for civilians
He would raise the age limit to buy a firearm
He supports Red Flag Gun Laws
He started the precedent of using Executive Orders at an alarming rate to disarm Americans (think bump stock and what happened the moment the Biden administration started doing the monkey see, monkey do routine)

Did you forget about Operation Warp Speed wherein Trump made sure as many people got the clot shot as was humanly possible?

Don't humiliate yourself and tell me I only quote from Democrat sources. Faux News is owned by globalists and if you want me to quote from sources that have Trump Worship Syndrome, they are NEVER going to admit to the facts. Why don't you read what Trump wrote about what HE believes? Why don't you watch videos of Trump telling Congress what he REALLY thinks? What is it you're really afraid of?

" He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18: 13

Even Tulsi Gabbard had the decency to own up to what we knew about her. But, not Donald J. Trump. Nooo... The man needs to stand up, admit what he did and hold himself accountable. Screw what others say. Check out the internal links in that above link, then get back to me. Leave the left out of it. What I would advocate for them would not be tolerated on this board or any other, so get beyond the chickenshit political jockeying and get it through your damn head: I am fighting for unalienable Rights. I don't back up, apologize or compromise when it comes to the fact that some Rights are above the reach of the government. Give them an inch and tomorrow you have NO Rights. Check out the facts, then get back to me.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
I don't need to rely on Democrats or leftists to prove what Trump says about Trump.

Let me make this plain, simple and easy for you: I wouldn't support a left wing, liberal, socialist, progressive, communist even if they had a knife to my balls and forcing me to do oral sex on Nancy Peolsi if I didn't cast my vote for them. I don't vote for them; I don't support them; I don't even knowingly let Democrats park their car in my driveway. So, I know where you're going, but you are dead wrong.

Donald Trump is a lying, sorry son of a bitch that is going to fuck you in the ass and not even have the common courtesy to give you a reach around (as Lee Ermey would say). He is not God and he doesn't even make a decent demigod. He sold the right out when he got to Washington. Did you forget?

He likes taking the guns early and then due process
He doesn't like high capacity mags for civilians
He would raise the age limit to buy a firearm
He supports Red Flag Gun Laws
He started the precedent of using Executive Orders at an alarming rate to disarm Americans (think bump stock and what happened the moment the Biden administration started doing the monkey see, monkey do routine)

Did you forget about Operation Warp Speed wherein Trump made sure as many people got the clot shot as was humanly possible?

Don't humiliate yourself and tell me I only quote from Democrat sources. Faux News is owned by globalists and if you want me to quote from sources that have Trump Worship Syndrome, they are NEVER going to admit to the facts. Why don't you read what Trump wrote about what HE believes? Why don't you watch videos of Trump telling Congress what he REALLY thinks? What is it you're really afraid of?

" He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18: 13

Even Tulsi Gabbard had the decency to own up to what we knew about her. But, not Donald J. Trump. Nooo... The man needs to stand up, admit what he did and hold himself accountable. Screw what others say. Check out the internal links in that above link, then get back to me. Leave the left out of it. What I would advocate for them would not be tolerated on this board or any other, so get beyond the chickenshit political jockeying and get it through your damn head: I am fighting for unalienable Rights. I don't back up, apologize or compromise when it comes to the fact that some Rights are above the reach of the government. Give them an inch and tomorrow you have NO Rights. Check out the facts, then get back to me.
The right to own a firearm is not unalienable. SHRUG
A right by its very nature is limiting.
The USC protects our pre-existing right to own a firearm (US v Cruikshank), pre-existing doesn't equate to unalienable, it merely means it was a prior right, re-granted via the 1689 English Bill of Rights.

(t)he Second Amendment was the codification of the six-centuries-old responsibility to keep and bear arms for king and country that was inherited from the English Colonists that settled North America, tracing its origin back to the Assize of Arms of 1181 that occurred during the reign of Henry II. Through being codified in the United States Constitution, the common law right was continued and guaranteed for the People, and statutory law enacted subsequently by Congress cannot extinguish the pre-existing common law right to keep and bear arms.

And, since you like to quote Blackstone, here is what he says in regards to it:
Sir William Blackstone wrote in the eighteenth century about the right to have arms being auxiliary to the "natural right of resistance and self-preservation", but conceded that the right was subject to their suitability and allowance by law.

The fifth and last auxiliary right of the subject, that I shall at present mention, is that of having arms for their defence, suitable to their condition and degree, and such as are allowed by law. Which is also declared by the same statute and is indeed a public allowance, under due restrictions, of the natural right of resistance and self-preservation, when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression.
"Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England". Avalon.law.yale.edu. Archived from the original on 2011-07-05. Retrieved 2012-05-22.

What is unalienable is the right to self-defense.

Trump used less E.O.'s then the previous presidents by almost half.

The bump stock ban was implemented through the DOJ, not by EO. We are still waiting on SCOTUS to rule, yet many federal courts have already overturned it.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I don't need to rely on Democrats or leftists to prove what Trump says about Trump.

Let me make this plain, simple and easy for you: I wouldn't support a left wing, liberal, socialist, progressive, communist even if they had a knife to my balls and forcing me to do oral sex on Nancy Peolsi if I didn't cast my vote for them. I don't vote for them; I don't support them; I don't even knowingly let Democrats park their car in my driveway. So, I know where you're going, but you are dead wrong.

Donald Trump is a lying, sorry son of a bitch that is going to fuck you in the ass and not even have the common courtesy to give you a reach around (as Lee Ermey would say). He is not God and he doesn't even make a decent demigod. He sold the right out when he got to Washington. Did you forget?

He likes taking the guns early and then due process
He doesn't like high capacity mags for civilians
He would raise the age limit to buy a firearm
He supports Red Flag Gun Laws
He started the precedent of using Executive Orders at an alarming rate to disarm Americans (think bump stock and what happened the moment the Biden administration started doing the monkey see, monkey do routine)

Did you forget about Operation Warp Speed wherein Trump made sure as many people got the clot shot as was humanly possible?

Don't humiliate yourself and tell me I only quote from Democrat sources. Faux News is owned by globalists and if you want me to quote from sources that have Trump Worship Syndrome, they are NEVER going to admit to the facts. Why don't you read what Trump wrote about what HE believes? Why don't you watch videos of Trump telling Congress what he REALLY thinks? What is it you're really afraid of?

" He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18: 13

Even Tulsi Gabbard had the decency to own up to what we knew about her. But, not Donald J. Trump. Nooo... The man needs to stand up, admit what he did and hold himself accountable. Screw what others say. Check out the internal links in that above link, then get back to me. Leave the left out of it. What I would advocate for them would not be tolerated on this board or any other, so get beyond the chickenshit political jockeying and get it through your damn head: I am fighting for unalienable Rights. I don't back up, apologize or compromise when it comes to the fact that some Rights are above the reach of the government. Give them an inch and tomorrow you have NO Rights. Check out the facts, then get back to me.
No matter, as the bottom line is that he's still the better choice on the ballot.


Sep 22, 2023
No matter, as the bottom line is that he's still the better choice on the ballot.
A better choice?

The reality is, most of our American Liberties were given a free pass for Republicans to destroy because everybody keeps saying that Republicans are the lesser of two evils.

How is that a better choice? We get to vote for hypocrites and liars OR communists. If we forced the Republicans to hold themselves accountable, we might get better results.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
A better choice?

The reality is, most of our American Liberties were given a free pass for Republicans to destroy because everybody keeps saying that Republicans are the lesser of two evils.

How is that a better choice? We get to vote for hypocrites and liars OR communists. If we forced the Republicans to hold themselves accountable, we might get better results.
Never said I like all republicans. In fact, far from it. As most are nothing more than dems in disguise.

Still, Trump represents the best of the choices presented. By a long shot.


Sep 22, 2023
Never said I like all republicans. In fact, far from it. As most are nothing more than dems in disguise.

Still, Trump represents the best of the choices presented. By a long shot.
In fact, if you appreciate your constitutional Liberties, Trump has no more regard for them than Biden does. Trump will give you a few social issues like abortion because, in the grand scheme of things, he doesn't give a shit about that issue one way or another.

This isn't about which is the lesser of two evils. This is about forcing a man to admit when he screwed you over and forcing him to clean up his act AND endorsing qualified candidates that understand the concept of unalienable Rights. You think Trump is the better man when, in my home state, Trump endorsed marginal candidates (one guy was a brain damaged sports figure that lied about graduating college in the top of his class when he never finished college). Another candidate was a self serving rich boy that nobody liked. Not only did Trump lose the Senate, but he gave TWO Senate seats to the Democrats when the Republicans hadn't lost a Senate seat since Reagan.

Everybody has their litmus test. Mine is simple: As long as we maintain the Right to keep and bear Arms, the people have a chance to prevent tyranny in government. Donald Trump does not believe in the Right to keep and bear Arms. If you had the courage and were honest with yourself you'd access that link and watch Trump telling the Dems that the reason they didn't do what he was doing is that they were afraid of the NRA. And he said he wasn't afraid of the NRA. And, between Executive Orders and telling the BATFE to clamp down on gun owners (the bump stock ban as my primary example) Trump set a precedent whereby the Biden administration began banning firearms one feature at a time. Gun owners are spending BILLIONS of dollars in court challenges over what Trump did. How many right wing candidates could have used that money to get elected to the House and Senate?

You're being played and you're too damn stubborn to understand how self serving parasites can game the system to get what they want and you ultimately walk away from the table with little more than your dick in your hand. It's called Trump Worship Syndrome.


Sep 22, 2023
So you're saying you want a nuke in your backyard and illegals squatting inside your house thanks to Biden?
Are you immune to the truth? Trump knew, going in, which ideas he had that would ultimately be found unconstitutional. That's part of the game. Tell people what they want to hear and do things you know will ultimately prove undoable and / or undone by the courts. You can then come back and say, "I did all I could do."

Insofar as the people you call "illegals." Foreigners come here because the American people hire them, rent to them, sell to them, buy from them and otherwise do business with them. They aren't stealing jobs because the jobs don't belong to the government or you to begin with. Somewhere a lot of people lost their freaking minds. You want to apply the wrong solution to the perceived problem. Allow me to tell you a great big secret: You can't build a government big enough to save you from yourself.

As long as I have the means to resist the flood of foreigners (i.e. the tools necessary for self defense), I can protect myself. Once you take away Liberty teeth, you can't do jack shit except complain. Each of you out there can stop the flood without the government. What was going on when America was great and we didn't have a militarized border? As for squatters, DeSantis signed an anti-squatter bill in Florida this legislative session; I'm working with a state representative, trying to do the same in Georgia. What are YOU doing?

As for nukes, I'd rather fight 'em than join 'em. It appears that by using fearmongering you made your choice as well.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Are you immune to the truth? Trump knew, going in, which ideas he had that would ultimately be found unconstitutional. That's part of the game. Tell people what they want to hear and do things you know will ultimately prove undoable and / or undone by the courts. You can then come back and say, "I did all I could do."

Insofar as the people you call "illegals." Foreigners come here because the American people hire them, rent to them, sell to them, buy from them and otherwise do business with them. They aren't stealing jobs because the jobs don't belong to the government or you to begin with. Somewhere a lot of people lost their freaking minds. You want to apply the wrong solution to the perceived problem. Allow me to tell you a great big secret: You can't build a government big enough to save you from yourself.

As long as I have the means to resist the flood of foreigners (i.e. the tools necessary for self defense), I can protect myself. Once you take away Liberty teeth, you can't do jack shit except complain. Each of you out there can stop the flood without the government. What was going on when America was great and we didn't have a militarized border? As for squatters, DeSantis signed an anti-squatter bill in Florida this legislative session; I'm working with a state representative, trying to do the same in Georgia. What are YOU doing?

As for nukes, I'd rather fight 'em than join 'em. It appears that by using fearmongering you made your choice as well.
What Trump did with illegals was constitutional, remain in Mexico. SHRUG

Truth? truth is subjective, your perception of what you claim to be truth is just that. You fail to understand the basics of a society, and that of a nation, resources are not infinite. Why isn't America great now?


Mar 12, 2024
As for nukes, I'd rather fight 'em than join 'em.
I see, so you just want to kill us all. There is no "fighting Russia". Putin has made it clear he would just nuke NATO troops if pushed into confrontation. Putin isn't going any further than Ukraine unless provoked. Ukraine was already a CIA takeover, which is why he went in. Fuck Ukraine, we just need to get the fuck out and fix our own problems.

Bah, can't fix stupid, so I'm no longer going to engage with this one. Hopefully most of America is not for voting for nuclear holocaust.

He won't even call them illegals. That pretty much tells you where his loyalty lies.
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Sep 22, 2023
I see, so you just want to kill us all. There is no "fighting Russia". Putin has made it clear he would just nuke NATO troops if pushed into confrontation. Putin isn't going any further than Ukraine unless provoked. Ukraine was already a CIA takeover, which is why he went in. Fuck Ukraine, we just need to get the fuck out and fix our own problems.

Bah, can't fix stupid, so I'm no longer going to engage with this one. Hopefully most of America is not for voting for nuclear holocaust.

He won't even call them illegals. That pretty much tells you where his loyalty lies.
First off, fuck you, you sorry son of a bitch. You don't have the right to question my loyalty. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You know why the right can't win? They are too damn stupid and the left keeps playing them because the bulk of them are idiots. And you are a prime example. You should ask WHY they aren't "illegals."

When you've been awakened at 2 am by JBTs with no warrant, no probable cause and had your home ransacked because the idiots siding with you don't understand the Bill of Rights, you might get in the ballpark of why I'm telling you to get fucked.

If you are stupid enough to think Putin ends at Ukraine, you are too simple minded to understand reality. He's going to go after a smaller NATO country after he stomps Ukraine. Then, by terms of the agreement, we have to defend them. You're like the rancher that closes the barn door after the cows have gotten out.

Give up your guns; let the closet Democrat screw you like you're his bitch and when you can't fight back, I want you to remember the level of stupidity by which you addressed me. Next time, try asking a fucking question. It is pretty chickenshit to question a man's loyalty on the Internet. It's something you should only do to a man's face. Cowards don't. And you didn't. Just saying.


Sep 22, 2023
Yea, that's what he's sayin'. Oh, and he wants an actual gun ban too, as that's what we'll get with the dems. It's what he woulda got had Trump not beat their hag.

Currency debasement, mostly.
You are a dumb ass as well. I've never supported Democrats. Besides, Trump IS a Democrat. The leopard can't change his spots. Trump is spewing classic Bill Clinton talking points. Pull your head out of your ass and quit looking for a popularity contest. You even smell like a Democrat with that popularity poll bullshit. Why don't you grow up?

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
First off, fuck you, you sorry son of a bitch. You don't have the right to question my loyalty. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You know why the right can't win? They are too damn stupid and the left keeps playing them because the bulk of them are idiots. And you are a prime example. You should ask WHY they aren't "illegals."

When you've been awakened at 2 am by JBTs with no warrant, no probable cause and had your home ransacked because the idiots siding with you don't understand the Bill of Rights, you might get in the ballpark of why I'm telling you to get fucked.

If you are stupid enough to think Putin ends at Ukraine, you are too simple minded to understand reality. He's going to go after a smaller NATO country after he stomps Ukraine. Then, by terms of the agreement, we have to defend them. You're like the rancher that closes the barn door after the cows have gotten out.

Give up your guns; let the closet Democrat screw you like you're his bitch and when you can't fight back, I want you to remember the level of stupidity by which you addressed me. Next time, try asking a fucking question. It is pretty chickenshit to question a man's loyalty on the Internet. It's something you should only do to a man's face. Cowards don't. And you didn't. Just saying.
Being awakened at 2AM by JBT's is a state issue, has nothing to do with Trump you dumb fuck.

How are they not "illegals" when they are classified as having entered illegally? Courts use the term illegal alien/immigrant, the Government uses the term as well. So explain to everybody why an illegal isn't an illegal. SMFH

I wonder why Biden and Johnson scuttled the peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. Maybe you can explain why they did that, and then explain why Putin attacked at the Donbas.

Why didn't Trump screw those that put him in office the first time, yet I remember you whining about the "Muslim Ban" being unconstitutional, when in fact it was constitutional after all. GOFIGR UDMBFUKNCLWN
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Sep 22, 2023
See I knew no rational argument was coming back. Just insults hurled because someone can't admit they're wrong.

You call people names and want a "rational argument?" That is a pretty childish and irrational approach. You don't question a man's loyalty to this country using a board name on the Internet. A decent human being would only do that face to face. You don't have to insult people or question their patriotism in order to get an "argument."

I expect an honest discussion and respectful exchange. IF you ever mature enough to do that and have an issue of substance, by all means fire away. Fighting words only get you a negative reaction and real men only initiate them if they are calling someone out. I have a habit of accepting the challenges because those doing so on the Internet are cowards and chickenshits that are too stupid to think and too spineless to follow through on their challenge. So, which are you? Back up and try again or that was a rhetorical question.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
This isn't about which is the lesser of two evils.
It most certainly is. In fact, that's what every election comes down to.

As long as we maintain the Right to keep and bear Arms, the people have a chance to prevent tyranny in government.
By trying to convince people to not vote for Trump, you are helping the ones who will take your gun(s) away.

Donald Trump does not believe in the Right to keep and bear Arms.
He does moreso than any of his opponents.

You're being played
No, you are.

the people you call "illegals."
Because that's their legal status. They are alien nationals who are in the country illegally. Hence their status of being an illegal alien. Ie: they broke the law to be here.

Foreigners come here because the American people hire them, rent to them, sell to them, buy from them and otherwise do business with them. They aren't stealing jobs because the jobs don't belong to the government or you to begin with.
Them being here adds downward pressure on wages. They need to go back to their own nations and then work towards fixing their own nation.

You can't build a government big enough to save you from yourself.
I don't want a big gov. I want a small gov with limited power over narrowly defined subjects. One of which would be to effectively protect our borders from illegal invaders.

What Trump did with illegals was constitutional, remain in Mexico. SHRUG

Fuck Ukraine

Putin isn't going any further than Ukraine unless provoked. Ukraine was already a CIA takeover, which is why he went in. Fuck Ukraine, we just need to get the fuck out and fix our own problems.

You don't have the right to question my loyalty.
Why not? You sure seem to want to question other's. Hypocrite much?

If you are stupid enough to think Putin ends at Ukraine, you are too simple minded to understand reality. He's going to go after a smaller NATO country after he stomps Ukraine.
If you think that, then you've clearly been watching too much cnn and msdnc. Try to get some help for that. it's rotting your brain.

Then, by terms of the agreement, we have to defend them.
If Trump gets elected we won't, as most aren't paying their full dues.

I've never supported Democrats.
Yet you are doing everything you can to help get them elected, but are too ignorant to realize it.

Trump IS a Democrat.
Then why are the actual dems fighting him so much?

I wonder why Biden and Johnson scuttled the peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia.
Because they are war mongers.

Why didn't Trump screw those that put him in office the first time,
Exactly. He had the fuckin' chance to.
But we're supposed to believe that NEXT time he will. lol

yet I remember you whining about the "Muslim Ban" being unconstitutional, when in fact it was constitutional after all.
It sure as fuck was, but it wasn't a "muslim ban". Anyone portraying it as such is a lying pos looking to deceive others.

You don't have to insult people
Oh, but it's ok for you to do so. Hypocrite much? lol

First off, fuck you, you sorry son of a bitch.
You are a dumb ass as well.

I expect an honest discussion and respectful exchange.
To get that, one must first give that.


Sep 22, 2023
It most certainly is. In fact, that's what every election comes down to.

By trying to convince people to not vote for Trump, you are helping the ones who will take your gun(s) away.

He does moreso than any of his opponents.

No, you are.

Because that's their legal status. They are alien nationals who are in the country illegally. Hence their status of being an illegal alien. Ie: they broke the law to be here.

Them being here adds downward pressure on wages. They need to go back to their own nations and then work towards fixing their own nation.

I don't want a big gov. I want a small gov with limited power over narrowly defined subjects. One of which would be to effectively protect our borders from illegal invaders.




Why not? You sure seem to want to question other's. Hypocrite much?

If you think that, then you've clearly been watching too much cnn and msdnc. Try to get some help for that. it's rotting your brain.

If Trump gets elected we won't, as most aren't paying their full dues.

Yet you are doing everything you can to help get them elected, but are too ignorant to realize it.

Then why are the actual dems fighting him so much?

Because they are war mongers.

Exactly. He had the fuckin' chance to.
But we're supposed to believe that NEXT time he will. lol

It sure as fuck was, but it wasn't a "muslim ban". Anyone portraying it as such is a lying pos looking to deceive others.

Oh, but it's ok for you to do so. Hypocrite much? lol

To get that, one must first give that.
Normally I don't bother to respond to multi quotes. There are twenty things there to respond to and none of it related to me.

First, I find your hypocrisy to be offensive and cowardly. YOU drew first blood by talking down to me, insulting me and then you had that big crybaby post where you wailed about what I said, but you didn't take accountability for what YOU did to initiate it. I despise chickenshit like that.

I'm not insulting you or anyone else unless and until they come after me. You seem to think I'm obligated to be a damn target. You need to grow the Hell up.

Your damn lies make it impossible to have a productive conversation. I'm not dissuading a swinging dick to vote for ANYONE and / or not vote for Trump. The bottom line is, the man is anti-gun, pro-LGBTQP, and he don't give a shit about so - called "illegals." He has an entire battery of attorneys that advise him and while you're going off half cocked and completely ignorant of the facts, I cited TRUMP'S OWN ATTORNEYS on what immigration law is. You won't visit that thread and read it. You don't want to know what they said. For example, there is Rudy Giuliani in an interview with Sean Hannity on FOX. Yep. Hannity and Rudy are Democrats. Yeah, right. I don't give a shit what either sides say about one candidate or another; I listen to the candidate, look at their record and pay attention to what they DO. You don't, sir. That makes you unqualified to judge me.

Here is the problem you have with the law. The illegally ratified Fourteenth Amendment provides (in part):

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I hope you understand the difference between a person and a citizen. If you fuck someone out of the presumption of innocence, then one day it might be YOUR ass on the line, being presumed guilty of a crime without evidence, probable cause or anything else. I don't give a shit about the people you call illegal aliens you stupid mother fucker. What I care about is creating precedents that have a nasty way of biting Americans in the ass because many are as stupid as you pretend to be. You don't have any idea how many people I've known that are in prison or graves because they, like you, couldn't understand that simple concept. You damn sure haven't earned the right to judge me over it either. Get educated or STFU.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Normally I don't bother to respond to multi quotes. There are twenty things there to respond to and none of it related to me.

First, I find your hypocrisy to be offensive and cowardly. YOU drew first blood by talking down to me, insulting me and then you had that big crybaby post where you wailed about what I said, but you didn't take accountability for what YOU did to initiate it. I despise chickenshit like that.

I'm not insulting you or anyone else unless and until they come after me. You seem to think I'm obligated to be a damn target. You need to grow the Hell up.

Your damn lies make it impossible to have a productive conversation. I'm not dissuading a swinging dick to vote for ANYONE and / or not vote for Trump. The bottom line is, the man is anti-gun, pro-LGBTQP, and he don't give a shit about so - called "illegals." He has an entire battery of attorneys that advise him and while you're going off half cocked and completely ignorant of the facts, I cited TRUMP'S OWN ATTORNEYS on what immigration law is. You won't visit that thread and read it. You don't want to know what they said. For example, there is Rudy Giuliani in an interview with Sean Hannity on FOX. Yep. Hannity and Rudy are Democrats. Yeah, right. I don't give a shit what either sides say about one candidate or another; I listen to the candidate, look at their record and pay attention to what they DO. You don't, sir. That makes you unqualified to judge me.

Here is the problem you have with the law. The illegally ratified Fourteenth Amendment provides (in part):

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I hope you understand the difference between a person and a citizen. If you fuck someone out of the presumption of innocence, then one day it might be YOUR ass on the line, being presumed guilty of a crime without evidence, probable cause or anything else. I don't give a shit about the people you call illegal aliens you stupid mother fucker. What I care about is creating precedents that have a nasty way of biting Americans in the ass because many are as stupid as you pretend to be. You don't have any idea how many people I've known that are in prison or graves because they, like you, couldn't understand that simple concept. You damn sure haven't earned the right to judge me over it either. Get educated or STFU.
You claim others are lying, yet you point out no lies. All Giulani did was state the obvious, it's not illegal to be in the US without authorization. What he fails to say and respond to from that line of questioning is that crossing the border is illegal. Christie tried the same obfuscation, and came out and clarified that, yes it is a crime to cross the border illegally.

You claim others are un-educated, yet you are the one claiming the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified, when every court and scholar says otherwise. Are you claiming to be smarter then the courts, Congress, each individual state, and legal scholars?

What does the 14th have to do with illegal aliens? It applies to the states, not the Federal Government. ICE can arrest, charge and remove illegals within the US once they are found and identified. Local LEO doesn't have jurisdiction unless the individual commits a state or local crime.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
There are twenty things there to respond to and none of it related to me.
Uh, most of my post was directly responding TO you.

YOU drew first blood by talking down to me,
Says the guy thats been talking down to others in almost every post since your day one. lol

I'm not insulting you or anyone else unless and until they come after me. You seem to think I'm obligated to be a damn target. You need to grow the Hell up.
Huh? You been insulting people in every other post.

Your damn lies make it impossible to have a productive conversation.
I haven't lied about anything. If you think I have, please quote the exact sentences of mine that contain said lies.

I'm not dissuading a swinging dick to vote for ANYONE and / or not vote for Trump.
So why do you rail against him so much, f not to convince others of your position on him?

I mean, just look at the following. It's nothing but an argument as to why people should not support him.

The bottom line is, the man is anti-gun, pro-LGBTQP, and he don't give a shit about so - called "illegals." He has an entire battery of attorneys that advise him and while you're going off half cocked and completely ignorant of the facts, I cited TRUMP'S OWN ATTORNEYS on what immigration law is.

Here is the problem you have with the law. The illegally ratified Fourteenth Amendment provides (in part):

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
If after the civil war, the morons had allowed the former slaves full access to their Rights, the 14th Amendment wouldn't have ever been a thing.

I hope you understand the difference between a person and a citizen. If you fuck someone out of the presumption of innocence, then one day it might be YOUR ass on the line, being presumed guilty of a crime without evidence, probable cause or anything else.
That's exactly why I support Trump in his political persecution by the dems. If they could do it to the likes of him, what chance would any of us have against it?

I don't give a shit about the people you call illegal aliens you stupid mother fucker.
Well, maybe no one gives a shit about you, either. If you're ok with our nation being overrun with people who have no Right to be here, your opinion really isn't worth a whole lot.

What I care about is creating precedents that have a nasty way of biting Americans in the ass because many are as stupid as you pretend to be. You don't have any idea how many people I've known that are in prison or graves because they, like you, couldn't understand that simple concept. You damn sure haven't earned the right to judge me over it either. Get educated or STFU.
You first!


Mar 12, 2024
I seriously think he's a paid shill at this point. They're all over Censorit, I mean Reddit. Exact same tactics. Argue BS and then name call and act like a snowflake when you get called out.


Sep 22, 2023
Uh, most of my post was directly responding TO you.

Says the guy thats been talking down to others in almost every post since your day one. lol

Huh? You been insulting people in every other post.

I haven't lied about anything. If you think I have, please quote the exact sentences of mine that contain said lies.

So why do you rail against him so much, f not to convince others of your position on him?

I mean, just look at the following. It's nothing but an argument as to why people should not support him.

If after the civil war, the morons had allowed the former slaves full access to their Rights, the 14th Amendment wouldn't have ever been a thing.

That's exactly why I support Trump in his political persecution by the dems. If they could do it to the likes of him, what chance would any of us have against it?

Well, maybe no one gives a shit about you, either. If you're ok with our nation being overrun with people who have no Right to be here, your opinion really isn't worth a whole lot.

You first!
Me first? Grow up. Hold yourself accountable. You were the one that drew first blood. For you to lie by omission that is good enough. You make it sound like I just jumped in there and you are all respectful and innocent. What are you? Like ten? If you want a conversation, quit multi quoting and have a damn conversation. Nobody is reading that childish bullshit and you aren't reading my posts as nothing you say has shit to do with any post I've made. When you said I insulted people in every thread. Noooo. It's usually and your boyfriend that get in threads and you initiate it. The respect thing works both ways. So fuck it. Enough with the childish shit. Start with respect and you'll get respect. Do the back and forth shit while not admitting that you didn't have to draw first blood and this will remain a shit show. It's your call.

I was probably manning the border as civilian militia when you were sucking your mother's tit. I've forgotten more about this stuff than you're capable of learning.


Sep 22, 2023
I seriously think he's a paid shill at this point. They're all over Censorit, I mean Reddit. Exact same tactics. Argue BS and then name call and act like a snowflake when you get called out.
If you honestly think that, then you should sue your brain for non - support. You wouldn't be smart enough to engage in a conversation.

You want to know what a paid shill looks like? Watch the people that stalk me. If I look like I said something the left might say, they will jump on the right's bandwagon; if I say something the right would say, the paid shill will jump to the left.

Son, I've not argued B.S. about anything. I've produced my material straight out of the horse's mouth so to speak and you and your boyfriend haven't disputed ANY of it. You just have a popularity vote and you really don't give two hoots in Hell. You don't even have a clue as to what I asked each of you to do relative to your bloated media God Dishonest Donald.


Dec 10, 2020
I love it when a team is down 17 points with 5 minutes to go and some nitwit fans says... "we need to score 18 points in 5 minutes and keep the other team from scoring anything".... we all understand where we are. People who are still hung up on Trump being "just as bad" need to understand that a 2nd Biden admin is the end of our republic.... They aren't even hiding it anymore. You let them bring in another 12 million illegals and keep stacking courts....

All empires end and we are watching ours. Read up on end stage of empires... we are doing everything they all did.


Sep 22, 2023
I love it when a team is down 17 points with 5 minutes to go and some nitwit fans says... "we need to score 18 points in 5 minutes and keep the other team from scoring anything".... we all understand where we are. People who are still hung up on Trump being "just as bad" need to understand that a 2nd Biden admin is the end of our republic.... They aren't even hiding it anymore. You let them bring in another 12 million illegals and keep stacking courts....

All empires end and we are watching ours. Read up on end stage of empires... we are doing everything they all did.
Hmt, I don’t think people know where we are at this juncture. Your analogy doesn’t work for me.

The America that existed when America was great is gone. We’re no longer talking about fighting to preserve something; we are talking about how to reclaim Liberty. We are only half way to the goal by admitting that Donald J. Trump is evil. Here is where we really are:

Trump realizes that people such as yourself see the situation as hopeless and you’re desperate. So, you supposedly have no other choice. Trump doesn’t give two hoots in Hell about the gun issue, abortion or so – called “illegal immigrants.” He is a profiteer. While Trump is anti-gun, he would compromise on the issue IF the gun lobby held his feet to the fire. And no matter where you think America is, once we disarm, there is no coming back. America is lost. Even if you get this temporary reprieve from Biden, Trump can’t run in another presidential election. So, you have to look beyond Trump – even if you plan to have him as a dictator. Time still catches him. But, no matter what happens, both Trump and Biden would disarm you. You might get some more right leaning judges, but you have to negotiate.

IF Trump’s feet were held to the fire on some issues AND he couldn’t count on your vote (or at least you’ve convinced him of that), he may admit what he did that was wrong and put some actual conservative types in his cabinet. Regardless of what you guys post, I’m not an idiot, a shill or any of that shit. You should know that by the fact that shills follow me around from board to board trying to discredit me. I don’t even bother to pay attention to them anymore. I know that Biden can’t become president again without a rapid demise of the Republic. But, I also know that if Trump is elected, the Republic dies and his supporters will go along with it, falsely believing that a shit sandwich tastes good when a demigod dishes it out. Nothing is lost by forcing the man to negotiate for your vote. It may make him a stronger candidate when you let him know that his sell-out on gun control is unacceptable.

Lastly, I don’t get the right. They make much ado about the legality of immigration and this baffles me to no end. The right bought into their own propaganda. Supposedly they don’t care if you come here, provided you do it “legally.” What? The right is comfortable with 65,000 H1b visas per year and another 20,000 for those with a Master’s degree VERSUS nearly a MILLION people who are naturalized… and the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of those new citizens become Democrats. If you’re going to give your country away, what possible difference does it make whether or not they got a piece of paper from a tyrannical government? You lose your country either way in those scenarios. Don't you want to preserve it?


Dec 10, 2020
Hmt, I don’t think people know where we are at this juncture. Your analogy doesn’t work for me.

The America that existed when America was great is gone. We’re no longer talking about fighting to preserve something; we are talking about how to reclaim Liberty. We are only half way to the goal by admitting that Donald J. Trump is evil. Here is where we really are:

Trump realizes that people such as yourself see the situation as hopeless and you’re desperate. So, you supposedly have no other choice. Trump doesn’t give two hoots in Hell about the gun issue, abortion or so – called “illegal immigrants.” He is a profiteer. While Trump is anti-gun, he would compromise on the issue IF the gun lobby held his feet to the fire. And no matter where you think America is, once we disarm, there is no coming back. America is lost. Even if you get this temporary reprieve from Biden, Trump can’t run in another presidential election. So, you have to look beyond Trump – even if you plan to have him as a dictator. Time still catches him. But, no matter what happens, both Trump and Biden would disarm you. You might get some more right leaning judges, but you have to negotiate.

IF Trump’s feet were held to the fire on some issues AND he couldn’t count on your vote (or at least you’ve convinced him of that), he may admit what he did that was wrong and put some actual conservative types in his cabinet. Regardless of what you guys post, I’m not an idiot, a shill or any of that shit. You should know that by the fact that shills follow me around from board to board trying to discredit me. I don’t even bother to pay attention to them anymore. I know that Biden can’t become president again without a rapid demise of the Republic. But, I also know that if Trump is elected, the Republic dies and his supporters will go along with it, falsely believing that a shit sandwich tastes good when a demigod dishes it out. Nothing is lost by forcing the man to negotiate for your vote. It may make him a stronger candidate when you let him know that his sell-out on gun control is unacceptable.

Lastly, I don’t get the right. They make much ado about the legality of immigration and this baffles me to no end. The right bought into their own propaganda. Supposedly they don’t care if you come here, provided you do it “legally.” What? The right is comfortable with 65,000 H1b visas per year and another 20,000 for those with a Master’s degree VERSUS nearly a MILLION people who are naturalized… and the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of those new citizens become Democrats. If you’re going to give your country away, what possible difference does it make whether or not they got a piece of paper from a tyrannical government? You lose your country either way in those scenarios. Don't you want to preserve it?
It's not hopeless but you have to stop the bleeding. If people like you want to score 18 points without stopping the bleeding then it is hopeless. Your perfect candidate doesn't exist. Trump is the best option period. You keep trying to come up with an 18 point play and pretend the other team won't get the ball back and have fun. LOL.

If Trump is soooo bad then how come the dems and rino pubs hate him sooo much? Why does Soros see Trump as the biggest threat to globalism? You can be with Soros, the DNC and Lindsey Graham types and bask Trump and pretend you are better than me but you just aren't... You're on the wrong side and don't even know it. We all know he isn't perfect. His faults get reported more than anyone in history... Hell, people compare him to Hitler and argue who's worse... JHC!


Dec 10, 2020

The globalist are taking off the gloves. The idea that they will put them back on when Trump is gone is rediculous. Jack will find more people to target after Trump is gone. Power corrupts... they want absolute power.


Sep 22, 2023
It's not hopeless but you have to stop the bleeding. If people like you want to score 18 points without stopping the bleeding then it is hopeless. Your perfect candidate doesn't exist. Trump is the best option period. You keep trying to come up with an 18 point play and pretend the other team won't get the ball back and have fun. LOL.

If Trump is soooo bad then how come the dems and rino pubs hate him sooo much? Why does Soros see Trump as the biggest threat to globalism? You can be with Soros, the DNC and Lindsey Graham types and bask Trump and pretend you are better than me but you just aren't... You're on the wrong side and don't even know it. We all know he isn't perfect. His faults get reported more than anyone in history... Hell, people compare him to Hitler and argue who's worse... JHC!
You have this inherent problem: You presume to know all about me without having the courage or integrity to ASK where I stand. I'm not on either person's side. I'm advocating that you force a candidate to work for your vote.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. One day all this bullshit is going to be over. Trump and Biden will be in graves. Most of the people debating this stuff will still be alive. Son, there is NO saving America through a legal or political process at this stage; it's more about how much personal slavery you will accept without resistance.

Our forefathers didn't just accept the lesser of two evils. They went through the process of resistance. According to Patrick Henry:

" Sir, we have done every thing that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned – we have remonstrated –we have supplicated – we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament."

Have you remonstrated against the evils Trump has visited on you? Have you petitioned him to rectify it? No. You want to go along to get along. You've give up the fight without going through the process. So, if your word is your bond and you don't protest the evil, ethically you are bound to obey the tyrant. You can still hold the man's feet to the fire and then, if you have the courage to resist, you owe the man no allegiance since he knows the score going in. But, you're judging me so you won't mind me judging you. You are the head sheep, leading the others down the chute to slaughter. You can't win because you've already written your destiny.

Make no mistake. I am not fond of Democrats. I don't do business with people that vote for Democrats. I don't even allow them to park in my driveway. And, unlike my critics, I don't hide like a filthy rat and fear things that can be legitimately controlled. So think about that when you high five 'em.


Sep 22, 2023

The globalist are taking off the gloves. The idea that they will put them back on when Trump is gone is rediculous. Jack will find more people to target after Trump is gone. Power corrupts... they want absolute power.

Wanting and getting are two different things. There is no point complaining unless you want to be part of the solution.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
You have this inherent problem: You presume to know all about me without having the courage or integrity to ASK where I stand. I'm not on either person's side. I'm advocating that you force a candidate to work for your vote.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. One day all this bullshit is going to be over. Trump and Biden will be in graves. Most of the people debating this stuff will still be alive. Son, there is NO saving America through a legal or political process at this stage; it's more about how much personal slavery you will accept without resistance.

Our forefathers didn't just accept the lesser of two evils. They went through the process of resistance. According to Patrick Henry:

" Sir, we have done every thing that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned – we have remonstrated –we have supplicated – we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament."

Have you remonstrated against the evils Trump has visited on you? Have you petitioned him to rectify it? No. You want to go along to get along. You've give up the fight without going through the process. So, if your word is your bond and you don't protest the evil, ethically you are bound to obey the tyrant. You can still hold the man's feet to the fire and then, if you have the courage to resist, you owe the man no allegiance since he knows the score going in. But, you're judging me so you won't mind me judging you. You are the head sheep, leading the others down the chute to slaughter. You can't win because you've already written your destiny.

Make no mistake. I am not fond of Democrats. I don't do business with people that vote for Democrats. I don't even allow them to park in my driveway. And, unlike my critics, I don't hide like a filthy rat and fear things that can be legitimately controlled. So think about that when you high five 'em.
What makes you think that people won't hold Trump or any politician to the fire when they vote for them or once they are in office? What makes you think people aren't making politicians work for their vote? What makes you think people aren't fighting? What makes you think people owe Trump any allegiance? Do we not have to work within the confines of the political system? Is voting them out of office if they are not doing what they should be doing the recourse we have? After all, they are supposed to work for the people, not the other way around.

What makes you think that your way is any better? So far you have lost all your support, society isn't buying what you are selling.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I love it when a team is down 17 points with 5 minutes to go and some nitwit fans says... "we need to score 18 points in 5 minutes and keep the other team from scoring anything"
A bit off topic, but the Cowboy's usta do shit like that on a regular basis. It's how they became America's team.

The America that existed when America was great is gone. We’re no longer talking about fighting to preserve something; we are talking about how to reclaim Liberty.
Ok, but we did not get to this point overnight, and we ain't getting out of it overnight either. It'll take at least a generation. There is no easy quick answer, so quit being pissed just because you aren't being offered one.

Trump realizes that people such as yourself see the situation as hopeless and you’re desperate.
Until you're dead it ain't ever hopeless.

So, you supposedly have no other choice. Trump doesn’t give two hoots in Hell about the gun issue, abortion or so – called “illegal immigrants.” He is a profiteer. While Trump is anti-gun, he would compromise on the issue IF the gun lobby held his feet to the fire. And no matter where you think America is, once we disarm, there is no coming back. America is lost. Even if you get this temporary reprieve from Biden, Trump can’t run in another presidential election. So, you have to look beyond Trump – even if you plan to have him as a dictator. Time still catches him. But, no matter what happens, both Trump and Biden would disarm you. You might get some more right leaning judges, but you have to negotiate.
Now do Biden.

I know that Biden can’t become president again without a rapid demise of the Republic.
So you'd rather have a rapid demise than a slow one? If Trump is still leading us to our demise, but Biden will take us there faster, you are making the case for voting Trump.

But, I also know that if Trump is elected, the Republic dies and his supporters will go along with it, falsely believing that a shit sandwich tastes good when a demigod dishes it out.
Trump being elected represents trying to slow the bleeding.

Nothing is lost by forcing the man to negotiate for your vote. It may make him a stronger candidate when you let him know that his sell-out on gun control is unacceptable.
If he gives you what you want, how many votes of others might be lost?

Lastly, I don’t get the right. They make much ado about the legality of immigration and this baffles me to no end. The right bought into their own propaganda. Supposedly they don’t care if you come here, provided you do it “legally.” What?
Legal immigration is limited immigration. Ie: quotas and strict limits on the numbers coming in.

The right is comfortable with 65,000 H1b visas per year and another 20,000 for those with a Master’s degree VERSUS nearly a MILLION people who are naturalized
That needs to be scaled back too.

It's not hopeless but you have to stop the bleeding.
Exactly. If one comes to realize that they are traveling 100mph in the wrong direction, they gotta take their foot off the gas and begin applying the brakes. That. imho, is what a potus Trump represents. The first step in trying to slow so that perhaps, down the road a bit we can maybe swing a U-turn.

If people like you want to score 18 points without stopping the bleeding then it is hopeless. Your perfect candidate doesn't exist.
That's just it. He seems to want a perfect candidate that'll fix everything for him and provide us George Washington's America on a silver platter while he reclines and (probably) watches American Idol. lol

Trump is the best option period.
Hands down, but it seems some are too wacked in the head to realize it.

If Trump is soooo bad then how come the dems and rino pubs hate him sooo much?
He thinks that they are all play acting when it comes to that.


Sep 22, 2023
A bit off topic, but the Cowboy's usta do shit like that on a regular basis. It's how they became America's team.

Ok, but we did not get to this point overnight, and we ain't getting out of it overnight either. It'll take at least a generation. There is no easy quick answer, so quit being pissed just because you aren't being offered one.

Until you're dead it ain't ever hopeless.

Now do Biden.

So you'd rather have a rapid demise than a slow one? If Trump is still leading us to our demise, but Biden will take us there faster, you are making the case for voting Trump.

Trump being elected represents trying to slow the bleeding.

If he gives you what you want, how many votes of others might be lost?

Legal immigration is limited immigration. Ie: quotas and strict limits on the numbers coming in.

That needs to be scaled back too.

Exactly. If one comes to realize that they are traveling 100mph in the wrong direction, they gotta take their foot off the gas and begin applying the brakes. That. imho, is what a potus Trump represents. The first step in trying to slow so that perhaps, down the road a bit we can maybe swing a U-turn.

That's just it. He seems to want a perfect candidate that'll fix everything for him and provide us George Washington's America on a silver platter while he reclines and (probably) watches American Idol. lol

Hands down, but it seems some are too wacked in the head to realize it.

He thinks that they are all play acting when it comes to that.

It's not like I'm clueless. Your handle is Joe King - Joking. You and I realize that these multi-quotes aren't going to work and your blanket accusations / assumptions aren't anywhere close to what I've said or advocated. So, what did I say and what did I mean? You won't know that unless you engage in separate conversations about each topic.

For example, there was a time when I believed that if we had the worst of the worst elected in this country, people would stop talking and start doing. Then 9 / 11 happened and the next thing the American people did was to elect a Black supremacist / anti-Christian Muslim to be president... TWICE! And there was no push back. That told me that the descendants of the founders and framers were gone or so far lost that we would not have a revolt.

I watched the civilian militias dissolve AND take up the bullet points of Bill Clinton, today falsely believing that they are "conservatives" (?) I don't know where you're coming from and you don't know where I'm coming from. There was a time when if you advocated National ID / 24 / 7 / 365 womb to the tomb surveillance, forcing people to use a National ID card for not only identity, but to register to vote and imposing on the private property Rights of Americans would have caused an old fashioned fist fight in the streets. Today, not only are the people comfortable with it, they will fight you in the streets to protect it.

You can't deduce where I stand from the fact that I ask a question. All that Internet crap you heard about how to spot a troll is just that...crap. We are a society that doesn't appreciate questions, so we have people making idiotic allegations against their neighbor. Well, dude, NOBODY influences my philosophy. I don't have satellite or cable. I do listen to Sean Hannity and another right wing guy while in my car. Other than that I read what is going on in Congress from the same sources the legislators rely on like Congress.gov Bear that in mind the next time you try to psychoanalyze me without consulting me by asking a freaking question.

BEFORE 9 / 11 the patriot movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) was winning the battle. Today, the former patriot movement has embraced a lot of socialist swill that was popular with Clinton. Meanwhile, the Democrats are slowly reverting back to being the conservative party; however, they are still communists and today it's a race between two different factions of the same party. MAGA and the Tea Party replaced the former patriot movement and on virtually every issue, they have applied socialist solutions and are too stubborn to have former patriots ask them a dozen questions that, if answered, would lead you to the same conclusions that I've been forced to come to.

Demanding that Donald J. Trump apologize and / or explain his "take the guns early and then give them due process" statements along with some of his other blatant unconstitutional policies would go a long way in slowing that bleed as the Republic dies. You have to take that notion out of his head that he is God and make him realize he is running to be a public servant. If you don't, he will take your Liberties AND the sad part is, you will allow it with a smile on your face and joy in your heart while believing it is more acceptable because the senile pervert, Joe Biden, didn't get the chance. You let me know if / when you want a productive conversation.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
It's not like I'm clueless. Your handle is Joe King - Joking. You and I realize that these multi-quotes aren't going to work and your blanket accusations / assumptions aren't anywhere close to what I've said or advocated. So, what did I say and what did I mean? You won't know that unless you engage in separate conversations about each topic.

For example, there was a time when I believed that if we had the worst of the worst elected in this country, people would stop talking and start doing. Then 9 / 11 happened and the next thing the American people did was to elect a Black supremacist / anti-Christian Muslim to be president... TWICE! And there was no push back. That told me that the descendants of the founders and framers were gone or so far lost that we would not have a revolt.

I watched the civilian militias dissolve AND take up the bullet points of Bill Clinton, today falsely believing that they are "conservatives" (?) I don't know where you're coming from and you don't know where I'm coming from. There was a time when if you advocated National ID / 24 / 7 / 365 womb to the tomb surveillance, forcing people to use a National ID card for not only identity, but to register to vote and imposing on the private property Rights of Americans would have caused an old fashioned fist fight in the streets. Today, not only are the people comfortable with it, they will fight you in the streets to protect it.

You can't deduce where I stand from the fact that I ask a question. All that Internet crap you heard about how to spot a troll is just that...crap. We are a society that doesn't appreciate questions, so we have people making idiotic allegations against their neighbor. Well, dude, NOBODY influences my philosophy. I don't have satellite or cable. I do listen to Sean Hannity and another right wing guy while in my car. Other than that I read what is going on in Congress from the same sources the legislators rely on like Congress.gov Bear that in mind the next time you try to psychoanalyze me without consulting me by asking a freaking question.

BEFORE 9 / 11 the patriot movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) was winning the battle. Today, the former patriot movement has embraced a lot of socialist swill that was popular with Clinton. Meanwhile, the Democrats are slowly reverting back to being the conservative party; however, they are still communists and today it's a race between two different factions of the same party. MAGA and the Tea Party replaced the former patriot movement and on virtually every issue, they have applied socialist solutions and are too stubborn to have former patriots ask them a dozen questions that, if answered, would lead you to the same conclusions that I've been forced to come to.

Demanding that Donald J. Trump apologize and / or explain his "take the guns early and then give them due process" statements along with some of his other blatant unconstitutional policies would go a long way in slowing that bleed as the Republic dies. You have to take that notion out of his head that he is God and make him realize he is running to be a public servant. If you don't, he will take your Liberties AND the sad part is, you will allow it with a smile on your face and joy in your heart while believing it is more acceptable because the senile pervert, Joe Biden, didn't get the chance. You let me know if / when you want a productive conversation.
Your prior comments have all been your opinions, assumptions, and claims. When you are asked a question, you blow it off or ignore it. You try to argue from a position of authority, just as you are doing here, as being a part of the patriot movement. At no point was the patriot movement winning anything, they died out due to people like you making outlandish claims about things such as the 14th is illegally ratified, that the US was founded for white people, the right to own a firearm is unalienable, etc.

What you are claiming as socialist solutions shows you don't fully understand what socialism actually is. What makes you think people want to hear from hasbeen patriot movement clowns?

Here is a question....should the mentally ill have the right to own firearms? Now as to Red Flag Laws since that is what you are alluding to in regards to Trumps quote. (this is what pressure from constituents looks like to make change)

Here is what he said in 2019 regarding red flag laws:
"We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken by rapid due process," Trump said in 2019. "That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders."

From the above article from 2022, Trump condemned the recent bill in congress because it would "encourage officials to join the 19 states and the District of Columbia that have a version of such a law — those laws can give the authorities the right to temporarily confiscate someone's firearm if they pose an immediate threat to themselves or others. As NPR points out, the grants aren't even restricted to states that pass a red flag law."

You don't really seem to be as much up on Trump as you claim, you still live in your past and his. You want to have politicians change to suit your ideals, yet when they do, you fail to give them any credit. Then you wonder why people on forums harangue you the way they do. Get over yourself, get up to date.
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Dec 10, 2020
You have this inherent problem: You presume to know all about me without having the courage or integrity to ASK where I stand. I'm not on either person's side. I'm advocating that you force a candidate to work for your vote.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. One day all this bullshit is going to be over. Trump and Biden will be in graves. Most of the people debating this stuff will still be alive. Son, there is NO saving America through a legal or political process at this stage; it's more about how much personal slavery you will accept without resistance.

Our forefathers didn't just accept the lesser of two evils. They went through the process of resistance. According to Patrick Henry:

" Sir, we have done every thing that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned – we have remonstrated –we have supplicated – we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament."

Have you remonstrated against the evils Trump has visited on you? Have you petitioned him to rectify it? No. You want to go along to get along. You've give up the fight without going through the process. So, if your word is your bond and you don't protest the evil, ethically you are bound to obey the tyrant. You can still hold the man's feet to the fire and then, if you have the courage to resist, you owe the man no allegiance since he knows the score going in. But, you're judging me so you won't mind me judging you. You are the head sheep, leading the others down the chute to slaughter. You can't win because you've already written your destiny.

Make no mistake. I am not fond of Democrats. I don't do business with people that vote for Democrats. I don't even allow them to park in my driveway. And, unlike my critics, I don't hide like a filthy rat and fear things that can be legitimately controlled. So think about that when you high five 'em.
When you say "im not on either person's side"... You are asking for us to believe you have an 18 point play we don't know about. Like Biden, Trump or RFK jr isn't going to president. Thats your options homie. You don't have to like it but that is what it is. You should be pissed at the pubs for tanking on purpose to let the dems do what they want. This is our last real election if Trump loses. We don't come back from 20 million illegal immigrants and Biden at the helm.


Sep 22, 2023
When you say "im not on either person's side"... You are asking for us to believe you have an 18 point play we don't know about. Like Biden, Trump or RFK jr isn't going to president. Thats your options homie. You don't have to like it but that is what it is. You should be pissed at the pubs for tanking on purpose to let the dems do what they want. This is our last real election if Trump loses. We don't come back from 20 million illegal immigrants and Biden at the helm.
Somewhere along the line, reason hasn't seem to caught up with you. BEFORE Trump won the first time, I said he would be the last American president. I had no inkling what his second run would be like. I thought maybe an uprising with the government forcibly putting down the right.

Instead, the right has been willing to go along to get along. You keep telling me what I think - which is news to me since you're wrong. I'm telling you that you need to slow the bleed and take some time to have some real think tank discussions. You're going to reach some conclusions you don't want to reach. Trump needs to clarify his positions and be forced to think about how he's going to approach leading this country. If he goes back in thinking that order of things is to deny people their constitutional Liberties (as he said "take the guns then give them (sic)due process") then you've sent an uneducated idiot to the White House. By forcing the man to think has nothing to do with you ultimately vote for.

If Trump wins or loses, it is immaterial. The Republic is gone and there is no bringing it back with political jockeying. The left is winning via compromises. The best we can do is to educate Trump and put the man on notice that he is a public servant, not God. Naturally, you can't let Biden get reelected. If you're going to put Trump in that position, at least try to create the impression in his mind that he can't take your support for granted. It has to be a quid pro quo relationship. In other words, you have to get something out of the relationship besides allowing the man to think you support him out of desperation.

If immigration were all that bad and if it couldn't wait, Trump should have moved over and allowed Congress to do their job. Instead, Trump wants to wait the better part of a year and while that goes on, MILLIONS of foreigners will flood our borders. This is an issue Congress ultimately has to resolve. If it can wait another year, it must not be all that pressing in Trump's mind. You're always asking me questions and if I don't give you the answer you expect, then I must be a lib. Allow me to ask you something:

Why do you suppose that the Democrats backed off their talking points after 9 / 11 and allowed the Republicans to take up their cause without chiding the Republicans for changing their views?

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Somewhere along the line, reason hasn't seem to caught up with you. BEFORE Trump won the first time, I said he would be the last American president. I had no inkling what his second run would be like. I thought maybe an uprising with the government forcibly putting down the right.

Instead, the right has been willing to go along to get along. You keep telling me what I think - which is news to me since you're wrong. I'm telling you that you need to slow the bleed and take some time to have some real think tank discussions. You're going to reach some conclusions you don't want to reach. Trump needs to clarify his positions and be forced to think about how he's going to approach leading this country. If he goes back in thinking that order of things is to deny people their constitutional Liberties (as he said "take the guns then give them (sic)due process") then you've sent an uneducated idiot to the White House. By forcing the man to think has nothing to do with you ultimately vote for.

If Trump wins or loses, it is immaterial. The Republic is gone and there is no bringing it back with political jockeying. The left is winning via compromises. The best we can do is to educate Trump and put the man on notice that he is a public servant, not God. Naturally, you can't let Biden get reelected. If you're going to put Trump in that position, at least try to create the impression in his mind that he can't take your support for granted. It has to be a quid pro quo relationship. In other words, you have to get something out of the relationship besides allowing the man to think you support him out of desperation.

If immigration were all that bad and if it couldn't wait, Trump should have moved over and allowed Congress to do their job. Instead, Trump wants to wait the better part of a year and while that goes on, MILLIONS of foreigners will flood our borders. This is an issue Congress ultimately has to resolve. If it can wait another year, it must not be all that pressing in Trump's mind. You're always asking me questions and if I don't give you the answer you expect, then I must be a lib. Allow me to ask you something:

Why do you suppose that the Democrats backed off their talking points after 9 / 11 and allowed the Republicans to take up their cause without chiding the Republicans for changing their views?
You were the one saying the Republicans should have voted for the immigration bill that was just in congress, is that not willing to go along to get along? Then you rail about wanting to hold Republicans feet to the fire, so which is it? You seem incapable of reasoning let alone having real think tank discussions. If none of what you have stated is what you think, then why are you posting? What makes you believe you are authoritative enough to tell people what they need to slow the bleed? Do you think the immigration bill that was recently presented in Congress would do anything to slow the bleed, would it have allowed Congress to do their job and stop illegal immigration? SMFH
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