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UPDATED 10/3: Please Donate - Details Provided


Dec 1, 2020
Update: I updated the donation goal to reflect patron contributions, donations through Venmo, as well as a couple other donations. Please help us reach our goal.

Our biggest expense is full time IT support. Because of the nature of our website, we MUST have this support. We have our own server now, and one of the implications of having your own server is that you need full time IT support. Having our own server is what protects us from being deplatformed, but in order to maintain your own server, it increases some overhead of your website.

Click below:

I have designated a steep donation goal of $25,000 (now $20,000 due to update) here because it will give us the runway to cover our overhead for few months. I am not using those donations for marketing, outreach (as with Martin for example), promotion, or even styling and software updates, that is purely to cover our base level functions.

Here is a breakdown of our monthly overhead to keep the business running as it is:

I am very hopeful that this will be the last time that we will ever have to actively call for donations, because we are getting some revenue streams in place finally. We will leave the donate button up passively, but if everything works out we won't need another "fundraising drive"
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